Thank You Letter

As a kid, my mother always made sure that I wrote handwritten thank you letters for every gift that I received. However, I never thought of writing thank you letters as necessary until I came to USC and Shirley Maxey, the USC MAcc’s Associate Dean and Professor Owens, my communications professor emphasized the importance of handwritten thank you letters in formulating a relationship.

The worst a decent thank you letter can do is get thrown in the trash and as Shirley has said, the best a good thank you letter can do is formulate a life-long relationship.

Professor Owens gave my communications class some useful advice about thank you letters. When considering whether to write a thank you letter, don’t ask yourself whether you need to. But rather, will it help you stand out and form a stronger relationship with someone? And the answer to that question is always yes.

So, did you send that thank you letter yet?