I have a confession to make. I’m still gripped by my platonic love for Jeremy Lin.

However, my reasons are completely rational and logical even a year after Linsanity took America by storm.

My sociologist side has been impressed by the way Jeremy Lin has pushed through racial boundaries and redefined what an American basketball player looks like. This past year has challenged us (America) to re-examine our racial beliefs and think about how those beliefs reappear in the media and more importantly in our actions and thoughts.

Then my family side was super excited by the fact that my cousin‘s hard work paid off and his film, Linsanity went to Sundance!

Lastly, my graduate and accounting side loved the Jubilee Project’s “The Last Pick” and the focus on helping others. This past spring semester, building relationships has been a major topic in my life from talking about how to build relationships with my AICPA mentor to discussing expanding your social capital in my Ethics class with Tony Rose. Helping others is one way to make friends and expand your social capital. In “The Last Pick,” the Jubilee Project does a great job of showing why it’s important to help others and that help sometimes comes from those who you least expect it to come from at the most unexpected times. In the Youtube video, when the boy sends Jeremy a text to boost Jeremy’s spirits, my aww side kept thinking “how cute!”

Now as one of my professors, Lori Smith would say, “What’s the takeaway?”

Go out into the world and help a friend or a stranger. Be like my friend, George, who always makes time to explain a difficult accounting concept to any of his friends when they’re confused.

Sidenote, I have been a fan of the Jubilee Project ever since college when I considered being a premed and read Eric Lu’s Elusions blog to better understand what being in Harvard Medical School was like. If you’re contemplating medical school, Eric Lu does a great job describing the exciting aspects of medical school.