story time

Income taxes can definitely get really dry every now and then. However, one of my favorite things about this class is story time. On the first day of class, my professor told us that if you find yourself ever getting sleepy in class or distracted, just say the words, “Story Time.”

So, what usually ends up happening is that halfway or three fourths of the way through my income tax class, someone will usually say story time. My professor uses story time to break up the class and pass on some life lesson related to accounting to my class.

This past week, he told us this story about this guy, who was a really big deal at the time of the story. He was a famous basketball player, current senator, and had even been once considered as a presidential candidate. Essentially, the guy considered himself to be big stuff. At this conference, where he was the keynote speaker, during lunch time, he asked the waiter who was putting pats of butter on the bread plates for more butter.

The waiter said no.

The man asked him, “do you know who I am?”

The waiter replied, “No.”

The man said, “I’m the keynote speaker.”

The waiter replied back, “Well, I’m the man who controls the butter.”

Essentially, the moral of the story is to be nice to those around you. In the accounting world, it’s always a good idea to be on the good side of the executive assistants otherwise, you might not get the butter when you need it.